An incredible journey

My incredible journey started as a child growing up between Italy and Africa, a free spirit dancing around the fire, listening to stories of magic and soul from the old Shaman of the area. At around six years of age, I went back to Italy, but despite my over-sensitive attitude towards the world, I tried to turn into the 'normal' child that everyone expected me to be. As I grew older, this led to an internal battle as I suppressed the real me - a wild, powerful and unconventional individual.

Hence, I became a product and fashion designer fully focussing on creativity, science and technology. I built up an amazing career growing into a successful and capable individual who trained and oversaw fashion collections, factories and large teams.

But sadly this apparent perfection started to crumble. My career had some unfortunate downturns and I faced economic upset as well as family issues.
I started to experience anxiety as I struggled to find the right balance between my spiritual side and my practical life.

For so long, I firmly refused to believe in the concept of energy - but I could no longer resist that inner voice that constantly called out to me from my perfect world of academic success. The spiritual suppression I experienced at an early age was beginning to reveal itself - I was being guided towards a journey into healing – reiki, crystals and sound, discovering my hidden roots.

In the early 2008’s

The strongest push came during 2008 – the call to spiritual pursuits became so intense that my entire world collapsed. I realised how unaligned I became in my current job. I felt the sudden urge to change the way things were heading. I had lost my career, my security and all I had achieved. The one thing I still had was the awareness of my real inner soul. So I decided that I would have to move somewhere else and start from scratch.

The time had finally come to forge ahead with my strongest passion – I began by studying Reiki. I was then inspired by the amazing science of the mineral kingdom – the crystalline structure and healing potential of crystals.The latest addition to my knowledge is sound using bowls, gongs and voice.

I have learned the power of the vibrations and the effect that they have on the body and brain.

So step by step, I found the way to heal my soul and to use my knowledge and experience for the good of others. Today, I am a complementary therapist who uses simple but valid methods to help clients achieve their healing potential. My treatments range from technical and scientific sound too holistic crystal and energy healing. My aim is working for the health and well-being of my clients – to be able to empower them to follow their path, to find their forgotten 'roots' and help them to take the first step towards well-being.

My “motto” is

Be you#own yourself# go beyond#
find your secret roots and fulfil your life#


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